Page 119 - Best practice_Oral2024 (อัพเดต)
P. 119


                       Fast track Alert System Timer (FAST) reduce Time to antibiotic for septic
                                          patients in the Emergency Department

                                                                                   นายแพทย์ศิรสิทธิ์ สถิรเจริญกุล

                                                               โรงพยาบาลพระนั่งเกล้า จังหวัดนนทบุรี เขตสุขภาพที่ 4
                                                                                ประเภท นวัตกรรมและสิ่งประดิษฐ์

                         Sepsis  is  a  clinical  syndrome  of  life  - threatening  organ  dysfunction  caused  by  a
                  dysregulated host response to infection1.   Due to its high mortality rate, sepsis has drawn
                  increased attention in diagnosis and management over the past 30 years. Despite this increasing
                  attention, sepsis continues to have a high mortality rate2, averaging 39%   worldwide. Early

                  detection of septic patients and aggressive treatment can improve patient outcomes3. Early
                  antibiotic use, in particular, seems to reduce the mortality rate from sepsis and the progression
                  of septic shock4.

                         Many literatures assess the utility of automated alerting systems in sepsis.   However,
                  most  of  these  studies  assessed  the  alerting  system's  diagnostic  accuracy  in  predicting
                  sepsis8,9,10, and just a few assessed its usefulness in clinically significant outcomes, such as


                         In  this  study,  we  compared  the  previous  care  process  with  no  alert  system
                  (Pre-implementation period) for suspected septic patients in the ED and the new care process
                  (Post-implementation  period),  which  includes  the  implementation  of  the  Fast  track  Alert
                  System (FAST), which countdowns time from patient arrival to the time that patient gets an


                         This  study  is  a  prospective  cohort  study,  collecting data  between  April  2023  and
                  September 2023 in the ED of Pranangklao Hospital, a tertiary care hospital in Nonthaburi,

                  Thailand,  following  approval  by  the  Ethics  Committee  of  Pranangklao  Hospital  (PE6650).
                  The Pre-implementation period was performed for three months between April and June 2023,
                  and the Post-implementation period was also conducted for three months between July and

                  September 2023.
                         The Fast track Alert System Timer (FAST) is the timer that countdowns the time from
                  when the patient enters the ED to when the patient receives an antibiotic. The countdown
                  starts when the eligible patient registers to the ED and has the Search out severity score
                  or SOS score, calculated from initial vital signs, more than 3, which is shown to have a high

                  mortality rate in septic patients . FAST is displayed on a 55-inch display in the Resuscitation
                  area  in  the  Emergency  Department  directly  in  front  of  the  nurse  counter.  The  system
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